In today's economy can you really afford to purchase a new computer? One of the leading causes of system crashes, speed and performance issues can be attributed to excessive temporary files and unwanted trash left onto the hard drive by windows and other applications. XFileClean allows you to correct slow system problems by removing temporary files, clear windows temp directory, check files and backup files as well as defrag safely and efficiently from your Microsoft Windows XP computer. Allow XFileClean to find and delete these unwanted files from your system freeing valuable space. Also, clear the recycle bin, clear the temp directory, and history as well as defrag the hard drive. With this version of XFileClean you can: Clear backup files (.bak) Clear Temp files (.tmp) Clear check files (.chk) Clear Temp files (.tmp) Clean Old files (.old) Clean ~mp files (.~mp) Clean $$$ files (.$$$) Clean 000 files (.000) Clear the history Clear the recycle bin Clear the windows temp directory Defrag the hard disk Improve the speed of your computer and save money. Download you copy today:
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