This application can automate time-consuming email-related tasks you have to do every day. You can think of it as your own personal assistant who can reply to incoming emails delivering personalized information to your prospective and existing customers. It can manage multiple databases of email addresses and send automatic personalized follow-up mailings. It can reply saying you are away in the office. You can use it to send newsletters and bulk mailings as well. We have struggled to create a very simple and intuitive user interface. Our customers tell us we've done a good job! You can create both plain-text and HTML messages containing colors and graphics using the very powerful WYSIWYG editor without knowing the least bit about HTML. All messages can be completely personalized using up to 64 user-defined fields (email address, name, phone etc.). Delivery is taken care of by the ultra-fast multithreaded sending engine that can send hundreds of messages per MINUTE. Messages can be delivered using an external SMTP server or directly through the built-in SMTP server using an external SMTP server as a backup. You can measure effectiveness of your campaigns using two major tools: reports and clickthrough tracking. Program is able to generate both HTML and CSV (Excel-compatible) reports covering various aspects of its activity. Support for clickthrough tracking means that you can insert special web links into your messages and have the program tell you in real time the number of clicks on each of the links. You can import email addresses from external files. Or integrate your autoresponder with sign-up and sign-out forms. The application runs on your own Windows-compatible machine giving you the full control. It can connect to the Internet and disconnect if it's necessary. There are no monthly fees involved and no third-party ads are added to your mailings. And what is most important, nobody else has access to email addresses of your customers.
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