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ASPNetFlash 2.6.0

by ASPNetMedia
ASPNetFlash - The advanded Flash Componet for ASP.NET web forms. ASP-Net-Flash is the Advanded Flash Componet for ASP.NET. ASPNetFlash is the only 100% AJAX compatible ASP.Net Flash component that also Removes the "Eolas" or "Click to activate and use this control" message. It also produces XHTML compliant, Google friendly code. ASPNetFlash has interfacse for DataBinding to Databases, XML sources and SiteMaps as well as advances AcuonScript and JavaScript APIs. Features: Removes the "Eolas" or "Click to activate and use this control" message in Internet Explorer and Opera browsers. 100% compatible with Microsoft AJAX. Automatically detects the client's Flash plug-in version and appropriately displays alternative HTML content. Produces XHTML compliant, WAI compliant and search engine friendly code. Can automatically detect your Flash Movie's height, width and Flash version. Provides interface for DataBinding to Databases, XML sources, SiteMaps and ObjectDataSources. Integrated Runtime Flash Debugging Console. All script and XHTML markup created by ASPNetFlash is encrypted, creating a blanket of security over your Flash files. In addition ASPNetFlash has 2 optional APIs for complete integration: A JavaScript API allows you to control Flash using simple javascript An ActionScript API called ActionSpeak allows Flash to call Javascript and ASP.Net functions A free download is available from

Click here for more information

Category: Development :: C / C++ / C#
Platform: WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000,Windows2003,Windows Vista Starter,Windows Vista Home
Type: Shareware Size: 1 MB Released: 25th Sep 2007 Price: $49.00
Not rated yet.

Other products by ASPNetMedia:

  • ASPNetToolTip
    Create beautiful, dynamic, animated ToolTip content easily in ASP.NET
  • ASPNetVideo
    ASP.Net Video Component - Add Streaming Videos directly into your .Net Web Site
  • ASP.Net Audio
    The ASP.Net Audio Component allows you to add (MP3) sound to ASP.Net websites

Other Development :: C / C++ / C# products:

  • C++ Code Library
    Multi-language source code library and clipboard extender for Windows
  • CSharp Code Library
    Multi-language source code library and clipboard extender for Windows
  • RGeneratePassword
    You can generate any number of unique passwords
  • novaPDF OEM
    Easily generate PDF files and post-process them in your application.
  • AntiCutAndPaste
    Reports plagiarism - copied and pasted source code (C++,Java,C#,VB,Delphi)
  • Code Line Counter Pro - C# Version
    C# source code lines count software for developers, project managers and SQA.
  • VNCViewer Library for .NET with repeater support
    VNCViewer SDK for .NET with repeater support. Win Mobile and Desktop support.
  • Spices.Obfuscator
    Tool for uncompromisable protection of .Net assemblies.
  • Advanced Data Export .NET
    Advanced Data Export .NET will save your data in the most popular data formats.
  • C Code Library
    Multi-language source code library and clipboard extender for Windows

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Keywords: ASP, .Net,, Flash, SWF, FLV, Eolas, ActionScript, swf, component, control, c#, webcontrol, embed, swf, flashobject, aspx, flv, ajax, javascript


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